The groundbreaking CSRT/Fierce Love Intro Course is now available for purchase!
Feeling stuck with your patients? Looking for a way to get past the impenetrable walls of resistance or the terror of traumatic memories? Need a way to help your patients break free of the self-rejection and paralyzing fears of the Wounded Self?
Due to popular demand, you can now attend the CSRT Intro Course by watching the recordings of all 10 modules.
See below for more information and to register.
Reclaiming the Core Self Through
Fierce Love: an Introduction to CSRT
SueAnne Piliero, PhD
Watch the Recordings on Your Schedule.
Course Description
We are born with the innate capacity for self-love. But when the world we meet is traumatizing, we respond by rejecting and condemning ourselves, creating a Wounded Self built on erroneous beliefs about the worth of the self and its place in the world.
Core Self Reclamation Therapy (CSRT) is a relationally bold, new clinical model devoted to undoing the structure of the Wounded Self so that the Core Self can be reclaimed. The CSRT therapist targets the entrenched defenses and toxic shame states created by distorted mirroring and other traumatic experience, standing in on behalf of the patient’s Core Self to guide the patient back to their birthright of love.
CSRT has its roots in memory reconsolidation research, affective neuroscience, attachment theory, and mother-infant intersubjectivity research. CSRT is also inspired by other clinical models, including Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP), Somatic Experiencing (SE), Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP), Eriksonian Hypnosis, and Nancy Napier’s parts work.
In this 10-module course, we will explore how to enhance and accelerate healing through specific interventions that target the deepest intrapsychic wounds. Through the use of lecture, videotapes of actual therapy sessions and live demos we will explore in-depth how to reclaim the Core Self, even with the toughest and most fragile of patients.
Specifically, you will learn how to:
embody the Fierce Love relational stance that includes championing the integrity of the patient’s Core Self; leading, redirecting, and staying on target; and holding the hope, no matter what.
undo Core Erroneous Beliefs and maladaptive Internal Laws through Uncoupling, Core Self mirroring, Updating the Nervous System and a unique new form of Parts Work.
micro-track and micro-attune to your patients internal states, the fuel that drives the therapeutic work.
shore up and empower the Present-Day Self to do the work of intrapsychic healing through Parts Work.
install and encode corrective emotional experiences to enhance memory and Meaning Reconsolidation.
What People Are Saying…
“Loved all of it. Really. Tremendous and profound. THIS is how psychotherapy ought to be.”
“This training was a great blend of Right Brain experiential learning and amazingly well organized and clear left brain power points and teaching.”
“I did not just enjoy the course, I loved it! It was honestly career and life changing for me in so many ways.”
“The demos made the training come alive in a true felt sense. Seeing the work applied was amazing and it hastened my understanding 1000%.”
“The Demos were priceless in learning the model in the moment.”
“The opportunity to then hear SueAnne go over her thinking intervention by intervention was incredibly valuable for our learning.”
“The addition of the post-analysis of the demos, allowing us to both experience it real-time through our right brains and then to go back and take in technique through the explicit analysis, made concepts taught come alive.”
“Clients are telling me more than ever that they feel hope. I have never received this feedback to the extent I do now. I know this is due to CSRT and the fierceness in Fierce Love.”
“It was all helpful. 100%. Incredible. It was astonishing how SueAnne and her demo volunteers were able to connect and make breakthroughs in such a short window of time, and in front of such a large audience.”
“The training was a profound experience, the demos made the concepts come alive. I now use all eight target corrective emotional experiences in my work.”
“This training was so rich and thoughtfully conceived.”
“The videos were exceptional.”
“The completeness of the model was so impressive, thoroughly thought through.”
“The best part is the modality feels very comfortable and natural to me and so after learning it, I don’t feel I have to think about it very much, which I especially love. “
Module I
What is CSRT? The Tripartite Self & the Fierce Love Relational Stance
Module II
The Wounded Self & the 8 Corrective Emotional Experiences
Module III
CSRT Tenets & Essential Techniques, Tripartite Self Mentalization & Uncoupling
Module IV
Core Self Mirroring, Core Self Encoding & Embracing the Role of New Internal Caregiver
Module V
Meaning Reconsolidation & Owning Your Own Healing Power
Module VI
Piercing & Melting Entrenched Defenses
Module VII
Common Obstacles to Healing
Module VIII
Affect, Meaning & Updating the Nervous System
Module IX
Core Erroneous Beliefs & the Fierce Truths
Module X
The CSRT Triangle of Healing & the Parts Work Process